Amsterdam Expats

Taking up residence in the Netherlands

When you have entered Holland and want to work and live here, you have to register at the Alien's Police. At the Alien's police expats can arrange a residence permit and registration of dwelling.
You will get a sticker in your passport indicating registration. This sticker is valid for a period of six months. Thereafter, most other registration and document information will take place through the Alien's Police as well.

Residence permit

One of the first things you have to arrange is a residence permit. With such a permit, you can buy or rent a house and start at work or find some. Note that people from non-EU/EEA-countries or from Bulgaria and Romania may need a work permit also if they want to work in the Netherlands.
A residence permit can be obtained at the unit Immigratie & Nationaliteiten (I&N) of the Alien's Police. The forms expats have to use can be found on this webpage.

Utilities in the Netherlands

In Holland the utility-market is partially liberalised, meaning that inhabitants of the Netherlands can choose their utility-agency. A couple of large players on the gas and electricity market are Essent, Eneco and Oxxio. There are a lot more suppliers.
The Water-market is not a liberalised market. Drinkable water from the tap is supplied by Waternet.

Look for cheap energy prices at the: