Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Centrum

5 star district
Amsterdam city center is inhabited by almost 82,000 people. Amsterdam city center is the district with most inhabitants after Noord and Oud-Zuid. 63 percent of them are autochthonous. The city center is the district with most western foreigners (23%).
Inhabitants in the city center are most annoyed by noise, shortage of greenery and addicted people.
An advantage of Centrum are the available attractions. Think about the Rijksmuseum, Famous Casinos, Dam-square, the Kalverstraat and Madame Tussauds. Regrettably, greenery is rare in Centrum.

Property in the city center of Amsterdam

With 47,030 dwellings, Centrum is the second largest district if you look at the number of dwellings. The value of houses is €256,000 on average. Only in Oud-Zuid houses are valued higher. On average, houses in Centrum have only 2.5 rooms which is the lowest number of all districts. 25.2 percent of all dwellings in Centrum are owner-occupied houses.

Accessibility of the city center of Amsterdam

In the center of Amsterdam everything is at walking distance. Traveling by car is not a good idea in this district. As a rule, all parking is paid. Inhabitants have to wait one to five years before they can get a parking permit. Particularly because of the proximity of Central Station, busses, trams, metros and trains are convenient ways to travel. Cycling through Amsterdam Centrum is the fastest way of traveling.

1 star
Public transport:
5 stars
5 stars 

The Begijnhof in Amsterdam city center

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