Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Oost-Watergraafsmeer

3 star district

Oost-Watergraafsmeer is situated south-east of the city center within the center ring road. Almost 59,000 inhabitants live in Oost-Watergraafsmeer. 45 percent of them are foreigners. One third are western foreigners (of which many are expats).
Inhabitants of Oost-Watergraafsmeer complain most about the addicted people in their district. People rarely complain about a shortage of greenery.

Property in Oost-Watergraafsmeer

Oost-Watergraafsmeer is an average Amsterdam district. Almost 30,000 houses are located in Oost-Watergraafsmeer. The average house has 3,2 rooms and is valued at €205,000. 18.2 percent of all Oost-Watergraafsmeer dwellings are owner-occupied houses.

Accessibility of Oost-Watergraafsmeer

In Oost-Watergraafsmeer the best way to travel is by public transport. Two trainstations are in range and a lot of metros, trams and busses drive through this district. For parking you do have to pay in most areas. A parking permit can be obtained at the Dienst Stadstoezicht.

3 stars
Public transport:
3 stars
3 stars 


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