Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Geuzenveld-Slotermeer

1 star district

Geuzenveld-Slotermeer is situated just outside the center ring road in the west of the city. More than 41,000 inhabitants live in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer. Just like district Noord, only 9 percent of the inhabitants in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer are western foreigners. In total 65 percent of all inhabitants of Geuzenveld-Slotermeer are foreigners.
Complaints of inhabitants are mostly about the high percentage of allochtonous people, insecurity and the public image Geuzenveld-Slotermeer has got.

Property in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer

On average, homes in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer are valued as the cities lowest at €144,000. Nevertheless, homes in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer have 3.3 rooms on average. 18.9 percent of the homes are owner-occupied.

Accessibility of Geuzenveld-Slotermeer

Geuzenveld-Slotermeer is a district quite far from the center of Amsterdam. Metro, tram and bus are the best ways to travel through the city. Biking is an option too. It is very possible to travel by car. In general, parking in Geuzenveld-slotermeer is free. Note that you do have to pay at some locations. For those few places you might want to obtain a parking permit. The employees of the Dienst Stadstoezicht can help you with that.

4 stars
Public transport:
3 stars
2 stars 

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