Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Zeeburg

2 star district

Zeeburg is partially build in the IJ. It is a quite new district. Almost 44,000 inhabitants live in Zeeburg. Only 6 percent are people over 65 years of age. That is the lowest percentage in Amsterdam. Approximately 40 percent are non western foreigners. 12 percent are western foreigners. Zeeburg is still expanding at a quick pace. In 10 years from now the estimated number of inhabitants will be 90,000.
The present inhabitants mostly complain about the shortage of greenery.

Property in Amsterdam Zeeburg

Over 20,000 homes are situated in Zeeburg. 25.7 percent of those homes is private property. The average home has got 3 rooms and is valued at €206,000. As said before, Zeeburg is a quite new district. Buildings are young and more are build every day.

Accessibility of Amsterdam Zeeburg

Although Zeeburg exists of a couple of islands connected to each other with bridges, both trams and busses service this area. If you live in Zeeburg, cycling is also a good way of traveling through the city. In most of the regions of Zeeburg you have to pay to park your car. Inhabitants can obtain a parking permit at the Dienst Stadstoezicht.

2 stars
Public transport:
2 stars
3 stars

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