Amsterdam Expats

Amsterdam Osdorp

2 star district

Osdorp is situated in the west of Amsterdam next to the Sloterplas pond. It is quite far from the city center. Over 45,000 inhabitants live in Osdorp of which 16 percent is over 65 years of age. This percentage is quite high compared to other Amsterdam districts. Half of the inhabitants are Dutch and 10 percent are expats or western foreigners.
The Meervaart theater is situated in the center of Osdorp. Another well known building is 'De Bunker'. This is the best guarded court in Holland.

Property in Amsterdam Osdorp

With 30.2 percent owner-occupied houses, Osdorp is the district with the highest percentage owner-occupied houses. The average number of rooms is 3.4. This is fairly high. The average value of an Osdorp home is €184,000. This is not high but also not very low.

Accessibility of Amsterdam Osdorp

In Osdorp the best way of traveling is by car. Parking your car is free and should not be a problem. Other options for transport are tram and bus. Bicycling is not a very fast way to get to the city center.

5 stars 
Public transport:
2 stars
1 star

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